Friday, September 12, 2008


I'm sitting here in my Airstream wondering how to spell Spontaneity. I guess/hope the spell check on this iPhone will help me out.

This isn't the most adventurous of expeditions, but we are camping, and it was spontaneous! The girls are way excited. We got into the campground here at James Island Co. Park just before the gate closed. I guess that made me feel some tiny sense of living on the edge. I kind of wished it had been closed so we would have an excuse to keep on driving and find some new, unknown location.

Oh well, I'm gonna enjoy this mini vacation. Dropping the phone, picking up the book - Through Painted Deserts.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monday, March 31, 2008

Black Mountain, NC

Well, it's an adventure, no doubt. I reserved a site at a campground in Asheville, NC for last Friday. We drove there. The place was a dump. I really like the state campgrounds, but most of them don't open with hookups until April. So, we had planned to try out this private campground. Upon finding it was a dump, I decided to cruise right on through to the other side and leave the place. When I got the other side, I discovered there was no way out. So, I had to back down the curvy, one-lane mountain road with my 24-foot trailer. This was not an enjoyable exercise.

Weekend turned out fun. We spent some quality time with my cousin Jay Watson and his beautiful family at their home in Black Mountain. Caroline and I spent one night in the Airstream. It was cold and rainy outside, but we were toasty warm under our electric blanket!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Bluegrass at the Farm

Took the Airstream to Col. George's farm this weekend. Enjoyed campfire, roasted pig, and lots of bluegrass music!

President's Day at JICP

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's Christmas!

I like this view from my kitchen window. The camping trips are not frequent enough. But I keep the dream alive every time I look outside. The wreath is a nice touch, don't you think?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Adventures on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Just back from a camping trip. We set up at Julian Price Park Campground, off the Blue Ridge Parkway - a beautiful place. Too bad it rained all day and all night both Thursday & Friday. I learned several important lessons about Airstream camping this weekend. I'll share those details later.

This link should get you to the slide show:

Here's the view from our campsite: